Vinicius Senger

Vinicius Senger

Senior Developer Advocate @ AWS

Vinicius Senger is a Senior Developer Advocate from the Global Specialists team at Amazon Web Services and has worked with software development for the past 25+ years. Founder of Globalcode and The Developers Conference, Vinicius is a Java Champion and also was considered a top 20 influencer in IoT development, having developed automation and robotics projects for cars, boats, horses, helmets and many other things. Since 2017 at AWS, he has been working with Java, IoT, Serverless, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Alexa skills and traveled around the world talking about innovation, Java and open-source with AWS technologies.


Greencode: Sustainable Java architectures for low power consumption and better cost/performance


In this talk, we will discuss the importance of sustainability as one of the pillars of modern software architectures in addition to other pillars such as scalability, performance, security, availability, and manageability. Sustainable architectures are architectures that help understand and quantify the environmental impact caused by the computing resources consumed, applying best practices to reduce […]
